Friday, November 18, 2011

Advent Consipiracy: Rethinking Christmas

(Photo courtesy of Living Water International,

Christmas is great. I love Christmas.

But, Christmas is also depressing. annoying. plain sad.

People act like fools to purchase stuff for people.  Others think how much you spend is commensurate with their love. You get loads of stuff you don't really want.

My husband and I aren't big on gifts.  Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries.  We just don't value stuff that much. We'd rather take a trip or go out to dinner.

Last year we decided to break the unending cycle of racking our brains to come up with a decent present for everyone on our list.  Instead, we participated in the Advent Conspiracy (although we didn't realize it at the time).

The tenants (so to speak) of Advent Conspiracy?
  • Worship fully
  • Spend less
  • Give more
  • Love all
The idea is that instead of spending a ton on worthless, material things, make some presents, spend some time with people, and give some money away.

We wrote everyone a note and gave them a small token (some chocolate, I think).  Then, we donated our Christmas budget to Living Water International.

And, surprisingly, it went over very well.  I thought my family and friends would think we were either crazy or cheap.  But, mostly everyone thought it was a good idea.

So, we're doing it again this year. 

I'm planning on making some homemade gifts this year.  Right now I'm thinking:

*Applesauce* & *Applebutter*


I've done a little bit of canning, so I think I can handle it.  (Blog post to follow!)

I'll come up with some more ideas before long (thanks to Pinterest)!

This year I urge you to:
  • Rethink Christmas
  • Spend less
  • Give more away
  • Celebrate Jesus
  • Love all.


  1. Here here sister! Too many people try to "keep up with the Joneses" and overspend around the holidays. But spending money you don't have on gifts you'll soon forget doesn't make anyone happy. My mom knitted me a sassy scarf this year and I love it more than any gift from the store!

  2. Hello, I am Gabriel, an Italian student in Lecce (Salento - Italy), and I am working on a project concerning the Italian style food system (the Med-Italian Diet). May you please tell me your email address? I'd like to invite you to a food festival we are organizing in late may 2012. Thank you very much.
